Packaged Ready Mix Concrete Bag
Ready-mix concrete Bags / Dry Mix concrete bags with 40kg weight is our new product launch this year. Home repair and renovation is easier with our M20, M30 and M40 grade concrete. 60% of the cost of construction of any building is mostly cementitious material right from the foundation, columns, beams, slab, cement block walls/precast walls, wall plastering to leveling of floor and fixing tiles. The work needs to maintain a stockyard for storing sand, gravel, aggregate, cement, and intensely depends on the availability of quality masonry workers to ensure they are mixed in the right proportion. The advance of technology and innovation in the construction industry over the last two decades, specifically the availability of ready-mix concrete/ dry-mix concrete, lightweight AAC blocks, mivan shuttering technology has made a significant impact in saving time, cost, and ease of construction.
Most of the innovation applies to new buildings, specifically to large-size constructions. Even today, when it comes to renovation and repair of apartments, homes, and buildings; civil contractors or homeowners often find it difficult to procure quality ready-mix concrete / dry mix concrete, ready mix wall plaster, or tile fix adhesives. We at Silica Mines & Minerals have not only understood the problems in the renovation and repair segment of construction but also have tried to solve certain specific unnecessary labor-intensive activities in a new apartment or building construction. Silica Mines & Minerals have been in the business of manufacture and supply of aggregates, ready-mix concrete, washed manufactured sand, washed plastering sand, washed block work sand for more than a decade, and now we bring all varieties of sand in bags.
Our solutions don’t just end here, we also bring ready-to-use premixed wall plaster (that contains cement, sand, and additives), ready-mix concrete / dry mix concrete, ready-mix block join mortar, screed, and tile fix adhesives all packed in waterproof bags. Silica Mines & Minerals brings for the first time in Karnataka ready mix concrete in the dry format in 40kg bags. The ready-mix concrete is available in M20, M30, M40, and high strength grades. We mix the ingredients at the factory in the right standard proportion and supply them at your doorstep. Please visit our Products page for more details.
Readymix Concrete
Ready-mix Plaster and Mortar
Advantages of Ready mix plaster, concrete, and other mortars
Consistency of Mix
Quite often crack and inefficient mixing of cement, aggregate, and sand at the site are the reasons for water leakage, short circuit in electrical conduits. In the right proportion, we mix ingredients at the factory, ensure that specialty chemicals are added as per the requirement of the product, and bagged in waterproof bags. Our products not only improve workability but also provide durable, strong and walls that can withstand the change in
Cost Saving
Most often, without even realizing it, we end up spending a lot on procurement of material, transportation, mixing, and shifting. Whenever one takes up a repair or renovation works, the quantity of material required is less and we have to pay a heavy price for transporting each material from a different vendor. This is where our ready-to-use ready mix concrete, ready mix plaster, and other ready mix mortars come in handy. Not only they are shipped from one location, but it also reduces the time one spends in coordination to procure the material from a different vendor.
Wastage Reduction
All our products come in a bag and can be procured based on the quantity of work at the site. You need not worry about the waste of sand, aggregates, or even a bag of cement at the end of the work. Not only they are a waste, but it is mandatory to dispose of them which is again costly and time-consuming work.
Easy of Store and Use
All our products can be stacked one over another, and a very small space is occupied to store material needed to build a 4-floor house.
How to Use:
- Our bag comes with DIY (do it yourself) instruction that masonry workers, homeowners or workers can easily understand and use. All that is needed at the site is to add the right quantity of water.
- Our bags are waterproof, so if unopened, you can store them in your covered parking area or storeroom for more than 3 to 4 months.
- Our bags coverage area is the same as wet ready mix concrete supplied in bulkers. One needs to order around 55 bags of 40kg dry mix concrete for 1 cu.m. coverage.